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What October’s Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Mean for You

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The solar eclipse that coincides with the new Moon in Libra in October 2024 will create a spark of energy between the Moon and the Sun. Solar eclipses hold all the energy and potential of a new Moon but amplified. On a new Moon, the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree in the sky and the veil between the subconscious and conscious is lowered. We can hear our intuition more loudly, feel our vibrations more clearly, and understand our desires more fully.

Everything that is available on a new Moon is available on a solar eclipse but to a greater degree. It’s essentially a supercharged new Moon. The upcoming eclipse is an annular eclipse, which means the Sun will appear to be dark with a ring of fire around it. Although the eclipse will only be visible from parts of South America, the entire planet will feel its vibration.

When is the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra?

The solar eclipse that coincides with the new Moon in Libra will take place on October 2, 2024, and last for a total of six hours. Translate the below to your local time zone.

Full eclipse ends | Begins 9:50 a.m. PT
Maximum eclipse |11:45 a.m. PT
Full eclipse ends | 1:39 p.m. PT
Partial eclipse ends | 2:57 p.m. PT

An illustration of an annular solar eclipse with the placement of the Earth, Moon, and Sun similar to what will take place on October 2, 2024.
A scientific illustration of a solar eclipse dating to 1822. (Illustration: mashuk | Getty)

What the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Means for You

Libra is the sign of justice. This solar eclipse and new Moon in Libra comes during an intense period of collective transformation. As the sign of balance and justice, Libra might stir up issues over this eclipse around how peace can be found amongst dramatic division. It may feel like the world and its countries are at odds with one another.

At its core, Libra’s energy seeks to understand all sides of the equation. Libra possesses the unique skill of being able to hold two opposing truths and understand them. This doesn’t mean one is assigned right and the other wrong. Rather, Libra teaches us to understand the whole picture before making a judgment or taking a stance. True justice prevails when the full truth is revealed.

As you make your way through this eclipse, notice what truths come up for you and around you. Then, ask yourself if they are really true. This eclipse is a period to question everything within and around you. Not for the sake of disproving it, but to understand it and then decide if it is true for you.

Ruled by air, Libra connects us with others. This energy takes the focus off us and reminds us that we live in a world filled with other beings. These other people can help us grow, admit when we’ve been wrong, and, most importantly, help us take pleasure in life. The people we choose as partners play pivotal roles in our energetic evolution. If we are open to it, our partners can teach us things about ourselves we may never have learned without them. This season is a time to embrace the people in your life and learn together.

The first and most important step in growing with another individual is to love yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the blueprint for every other relationship you will have in this life. How you love yourself is how you receive and give love to others. How you react to yourself when you are frustrated, sad, and disappointed is how you will react to others when they frustrate, sadden, and disappoint you. How you show up for yourself in the face of challenges is how you’ll show up for others. Similarly, how you treat yourself is not only how you treat others but also how you allow others to treat you.

Throughout Libra season, first look at your relationship with yourself. Libra is represented by the fair and just scales. This energy teaches us to constantly strive for equilibrium in our emotions. It teaches us that life will not always be peaceful and that we will not always feel calm. We do have the capacity to bring peace and calmness to ourselves, though, with the right tools.

This learning may include situations or scenarios that ruffle our feathers and cause us to feel off center precisely so we find a tool that brings us back to peace. If you encounter trying circumstances, consider it an opportunity to develop a tool or practice to keep yourself calm. Experiment with different breathing techniques, affirmation practices, yoga, and other modalities. These tools can be as simple as taking three deep breaths with your eyes closed to find your center. Or you can find short meditations that you can turn to in moments of need.

Most importantly, though, Libra helps you learn how to monitor yourself. The first lesson of this season is how to restore calmness in your body, mind, and energy after it’s been disturbed. The second lesson is how to catch the subtle cues of your body, mind, and breath that tell you when you’re about to feel disharmony. Spend some time placing your awareness on how it feels just before you lose your cool. What are your signs? Pay attention to your breath, heart rate, and thoughts. Then try to use one of your tools to maintain a harmonious energy in the face of adversity.

As you find ways to bring yourself back to and maintain a calm state of energy, you’ll also find it easier to build a foundation of loving yourself. If you become disturbed or react from a disharmonious place, know that you are human and have many emotions swirling around. It’s important to acknowledge them and be patient with yourself. This practice will help you appreciate others even when they show up less than perfectly. It will also help you accept guidance and feedback from your partners.

When we fail to love ourselves unconditionally, everything feels like an attack and we get defensive at the slightest suggestion about how we could change for the better. It feels hurtful instead of helpful. When we love ourselves unconditionally, though, we can take our partner’s suggestions and experiment with them—or at least think about them. We can also admit when we’ve been wrong and work to do better the next time.

Illustration of an annular eclipse from the vantage of Earth.
An artist’s rendering of the solar eclipse of 1836 from the vantage of Earth before the pinnacle moment where the Moon creates a ring of fire effect. (Illustration: Science & Society Picture Library | Getty)

Other Astrological Influences on the New Moon in Libra

This eclipse is also conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication. You may find yourself in a state of information overload or taking part in intense discussions. Libra teaches you to listen with openness but to reserve your opinions or judgments until after the entire story is told. It can be tempting to react, especially if you are triggered. Eclipses bring up intense emotions, and they can be challenging to manage.

The Moon and Sun square Mars today in Cancer, bringing up even more tension. Notice feelings of restlessness, impatience, or pure anger. Also notice any frustration that arises around a lack of direction within yourself or the world at large. Mars stirs up many emotions. Luckily, Cancer, which helps us feel our intuition beyond our desire to act, can help ease the intensity of Mars.

The Sun and Moon also oppose the north node in Aries, causing our eclipse. The north node’s involvement on this day may make you feel you have to decide your path forward. You may feel like you have to do something to get out of the energy you are experiencing.

Sometimes, it’s best to sit with the energy within you instead of deciding how to change yourself. You may feel a strong desire to create change now, but ask yourself if that is just a reaction to uncomfortable feelings within you or if it is coming from a place of centeredness.

Find balance within yourself, and decide how you want to move forward. If you can’t find this balance, then sit with the discomfort until you can find equilibrium, remembering that decisions made from this place will always connect you to the right path.

Let it reveal the eclipse reveal to you what you need and remember to continually come back to your center until you have the entire picture.

Your Invitation

Eclipses have a way of creating energetic chaos. Libra’s gift is to teach us how to recognize when our buttons have been pushed and we are about to lose equilibrium. When we notice the subtle changes in our energy that take place before we become dysregulated, we can avoid a potential storm. We can remain calm within despite any chaos around us.

Libra reminds us that action taken from a place of peace and centeredness is ten times more effective than action taken from dysregulation. Notice the urge today to want to control situations or take action just for the sake of doing something. Instead, ask yourself if the actions you are motivated to take come from a place of regulation or turmoil.

There are many tools available for us to create calm and peace in our energetic bodies. An air sign, Libra reminds us that our breath and the way we breathe help create equanimity in our energetic fields. Breathwork is your first tool in maintaining an energetic balance. It is always available to you, and you can use it no matter where you are or what you are doing. If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information coming from different sides, slow your breath and connect with your own inner peace.

Your breath is also a clue to when your inner equilibrium is disturbed or is on the verge of being disrupted. When you are feeling unbalanced emotionally, your breathing becomes shallow. You may even hold your breath. Libra reminds you that maintaining balance means catching yourself before the imbalance occurs. Slowing your breath can help you keep yourself calm when you are about to react or become unstable in your emotions.

During an eclipse, practice tools such as breathing, meditation, and present awareness to calm your nervous system. Work with your breath, experimenting with different types of breathing to find the one that restores harmony within you. When you act from your calmest self, you know what to do and when.

You may find your intuition rapidly brings you information following the eclipse that may shift your visions. Let your intentions evolve at the same rate you do. The intentions we speak after an eclipse carry even more weight and have a greater potential for manifestation. Be clear what you envision and call into your life. Although you can never call in something that’s not meant for you, you can send mixed signals as to what you are ready to receive. You can also revise and rewrite your intentions as much as needed to refine them. You can set intentions anytime after the eclipse.

Learn more about the new Moon in Libra, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the
Libra Season, New Moon + Solar Eclipse Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. Also, explore relational compatibility with the Astrology + Relationships course. 

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